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The Three Basic Elements of Workwear Design

2024-04-29 08:56:58

The Three Basic Elements of Workwear Design


There are many factors that need to be considered in the design of work clothes. Good work clothes not only have a decent and beautiful appearance, but also give people a refreshing feeling. Therefore, it also means the image of the enterprise and unit. When customizing work clothes, three basic elements need to be noted:


1Style design

Style design determines the style of work clothes and is the first step in clothing design. The focus of style design first lies in distinguishing the different characteristics and applicability of work clothes. The rationality of the design of work clothes for functional protection, the constraints of local clothing design, and the tightness of the "three mouth" protection of clothing cannot be ignored and are strictly regulated.


2Color design

Color and style are the two supporting points of design, and it is difficult to distinguish them in specific design. Sometimes, there is a design style before color matching, and sometimes there is a color concept before matching the style. The color design requirements for work clothes lie in their physiology, psychology, and symbolism. The freshness, grayness, and brightness of colors can affect the emotions of workers, increasing or decreasing their fatigue, monotony, and irritability. The color design features a serene, serene, clean, and hygienic light pink tone and white. The contrast and coordination between colors and environmental colors.

When color matching work clothes, the overall principle of "three colors" should be adhered to. The main requirement is that the shirt, tie, hat, shoes and socks worn together with the uniform, including the uniform itself, should be limited to three colors in total. This approach can achieve the best color matching effect. Specifically, when wearing a uniform, it is not necessarily necessary to have one color for the whole body, and two colors for the whole body cannot be considered less, but the maximum should not exceed three colors. Otherwise, the colors throughout the body will become chaotic. Adhering to the "three color principle" is mainly to reflect a simple and elegant overall style. In addition, apart from the logo of our unit, no patterns or decorations should appear on work clothes. It should be unique and not blindly pursue fashion or even go ahead of fashion; It should not only reflect the characteristics of the unit, but also should not be presented in a unique and unconventional appearance for the sake of uniqueness.


3Material design

Clothing materials are the material basis for customized design of work clothes and professional attire, and clothing material design is usually reflected in the selection and matching of materials. Only by using appropriate materials to express the design intent can the design effect be accurately expressed. The selection and design of customized materials for workwear should be studied from various aspects such as theoretical performance, biological performance, texture, and processing performance, in order to meet the special requirements of industrial clothing as much as possible. The customization of professional work uniforms must consider the working environment, reduce the potential harm and impact of environmental factors and the nature of the work on people.